At SST, teachers use applied learning to make learning at SST a journey more fun. Applied learning can make learning more fun by letting students have hands-on learning experiences so that they will understand what they are taught better, remember what they are taught better and also make learning more fun for them!
Students are required to do a lot of project and group work, in randomly assigned groups by the teachers so that they can learn to socialize, work together and communicate with different people better. This can help prepare SST students for future large projects in upper secondary, pre-university, university etc if they need to work with different people or people whom they do not know at all.
Proven applied learning techniques with the latest information and communications technology (ICT) as well as Interactive Digital Media (IDM) will be consciously infused into various subjects to provide an innovative and engaging learning environment.
SST conducts a lot of workshops, talks, seminars, learning journeys and overseas learning journeys to make learning more fun for the students, to help them apply the skills that they have learnt in various subjects in real life situations, widen the student’s experience of the world, let them experience things which they probably have never experienced before and many other things. SST also connects with other various schools on overseas learning journeys and let the students interact with those students as the school motto is : “A Globally Connected Institution Of Science And Technology”. This is what differs SST from other schools in Singapore too!
SST also focus on teaching students Innovation and Entrepreneurship so as to prepare students for the workforce in the later part of their life. This skill is very also important when doing business. In order to help the students learn better and also give them a wider view of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, SST will occasionally hire people experienced in doing business such as the CEO of a particular company or an inventor to give talks during assembly. SST also organise camps and workshops on Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the students to help them enhance their learning. One such example is a two days and one night Innovation and Entrepreneurship camp at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. At the camp, the students will learn business and marketing skills and have business students studying at Ngee Ann Polytechnic to guide them along the way.
Students have a lot of hands-on learning experiences at SST during lesson times so as to make learning more fun, easier to understand and easier to remember too! For example, during an Art, Design, Media and Technology (ADMT) lesson, the teacher require the students to brainstorm on the topic ‘Our Polluted Environment’ and come up with a way or a solution to solve the problem. So the students will brainstorm all their ideas. After that, the teacher helped turn their ideas into reality. One particular group focused on too much carbon emissions from cars, factories etc and they decided to do a video to warn people about it and try to produce less carbon emissions. Lets take a look at what they have done......
Done By : See To Yu Xiang, s1-09.